Not sure which iPad you have? This page will help you in identifying the model of your iPad, and ensure the compatibility of the replacement part you are purchasing from us. Please ensure you are looking at the correct section for your Model (e.g. iPad 4, iPad 2) when purchasing replacement parts. To identify the…
Category: How To’s
Star Kassebon Drucker Namjestanja
Driver Download : Star micronics Drucker sp100 ver 5.00 (325949 KB) Firefox Rand Einstellungen Papiergrosse Papiergrosse
Spielmachine Zugangscodes
New GameMachine Ulazak u igrice: Nakon pritiska na “ON” dugme na daljinskom upravljacu liknuti na natpis “Tetris” Upisati Code: 1 2 3 ili 2 2 2 Izlazak iz igrica u Windows: Uci kako je gore opisano u igrice i pritisnuti gore-lijevo na tastaturu Upisati 11 22 33 i Enter Error Code…
DIABLO Dummie-FAQ von zatarra 2009 Download pdf Was brauche ich alles? Als Erstes musst du feststellen, ob dein Receiver mit dem Diablo kompatibel ist. Wenn das OK ist, benötigst du ein Diablo und zum Programmieren ein Cas2+ oder Cas3+, ein Verbindungskabel zum PC (RS232 oder ein USB-Kabel), das aktuelle CAS-Studio (CIS) 8.xx und…
Dell PowerEdge Server RAID Controller firmware corrupted
Dell PowerEdge Server RAID Controller firmware corrupted Issue: Our customer has a Dell PowerEdge 830 with no RAID controller. We added an Adaptec 1420SA and 2 SATA Hard drives. Then when we installed the Dell Open Manager we started seeing this message: Device:SERVERNAME, Service Tag:xxxxxx, Asset Tag:, Date:01/05/10, Time:09:36:07:000, Severity:Warning, Message:Alert message…
Windows Tips
Start Button "Balloontipps" ausschalten Unter: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ Advanced Erstellen Sie hier einen neuen Wert mit dem Namen "StartButtonBalloonTip" als Datentyp REG_DWORD. Setzen Sie den Wert auf: 0. Tooltipps deaktivieren 1. Tooltipps aktivieren 2. Erweitere Tooltipps How to Change Windows Explorer Default Open Location in Vista To Open to the C:\ Drive:…
Wii WBFS Covers
Quote Originally Posted by zipman I’m having the same issue with WBFS as “|||” is having, no covers have been downloading with WBFS – just 0byte .png files in their place. Perhaps the site that the program downloads the covers from is down? I’ve been able to find the missing covers by googling them or…
WD SmartWare
How to edit the backup rules in SmartWare 🙂 01-02-2010 08:46 AM – last edited on 01-02-2010 08:47 AM Hi guys, I had the same problem as a lot of people here i.e. not being able to backup all my mails which are in Thunderbird. The mails are stored in file with no extension. The…
VNC SC Commands
Is there a way to set the default Connection Options, specifically, setting the number of colors to 64 so that whenever a client connects, I don’t have to manually change the color number every time? Start… Run… cmdstart vncviewer /noauto /64colors /listen 5500 Start… Run…d:\uvnc\vncviewer.exe /noauto /64colors /listen 5500 Start… Run…“%programfiles%\UltraVNC\vncviewer.exe” /noauto /64colors /listen 5500…
VMware USB Device
USB Device When I try to mount USB devices and I enable on my virtual machine (win xp), it crash in a few seconds. I’ve had this problem too, but I found a way to fix it. I’m using all sorts of USB 2.0 devices on my XP Vmware now. You need to edit your…