Clipped from: It is always a good practice to know the hardware components of your Linux system is running on, this helps you to deal with compatibility issues when it comes to installing packages, drivers on your system using yum, dnf, or apt. 10 Commands to Check Hardware and System Information in Linux Therefore…
Category: Raspberry Pi
Mount and backup Raspberry
/etc/fstab Bash Script
OpenVPN Route traffic
From Tunnel to private Network
Linux Log2Ram
Treba povecati log size # Size for the ram folder, it defines the size the log folder will reserve into the RAM. # If it’s not enough, log2ram will not be able to use ram. Check you /var/log size folder. # The default is 40M and is basically enough for a lot of applications. #…
Install Emby for Kodi
What is Emby for Kodi? A whole new way to manage and view your media library. The Emby for Kodi add-on combines the best of Kodi – ultra smooth navigation, beautiful UIs and playback of any file under the sun, and Emby – the most powerful open source multi-client media metadata indexer and server. You…
TimeCapsule HD form Linux
Moja Konfiguracija cd /media sudo mkdir timecapmilan sudo mkdir timecapbackups Moj /etc/fstab // /media/timecapmilan cifs password=koma69zadar,sec=ntlm,vers=1.0,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 // /media/timecapbackups cifs password=koma69zadar,sec=ntlm,vers=1.0,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 Original Post Firstly I installed smbfs and smbclient software using apt-get, but Synaptics works just as well. SMBFS and SMBCLIENT lets the machine talk over the the CIFS protocol (Server Message Block, the latest…
Raspberry Pi 4 Bootloader Firmware Updating / Recovery Guide
All of the previous generations of Raspberry Pi contained all of their firmware on the SD card. Starting with the Raspberry Pi 4 the device actually has onboard upgradable firmware stored on an EEPROM chip separate from your storage. Updating this firmware is very important as one of the first released updates reduces power usage…
Liux Tips / Comands
Backup / Make Image of SD Card TonTon VPN Start file manager in terminal window In Raspbian (Raspberry Debian) from terminal console: How do I open file manager as root Viditi sto je zadnje instalirano htop Raspberry Config Raspberry Update Viditi Zadnje Update NextCloud Commands Maintance mode ON / OFF Clean Trash (All Users) …