Install NTFS RPi Support $ rsync $ sudo apt install rsync Gadmintools – GADMIN-RSYNC GAdminRsync is a C/GTK+ graphical user interface for the rsync Client and Server. $ sudo apt-get install gadmin-rsync Run Gadmin-Rsync $ sudo gadmin-rsync Desktop Shortcuts [Desktop Entry] Name=Gadmin-Rsync Comment=Rsync GUI Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/openbox.xpm Exec=sudo gadmin-rsync Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Terminal=false Categories=None; Adding…
Category: Linux
LibreElec – Disable Xbox One Remote
SSH into Libreelec: echo “blacklist lirc_xbox” >> /storage/.config/modprobe.d/lirc_xbox.conf blacklist lirc_xbox
DisplayApp for RPI3 and Waveshare 1.5 OLED
This is a small application that displays statistics and status iformation to a Waveshare 1.5" OLED screen connected to Raspberry Pi 3 via SPI. Developed with Python 2 but it should run on Python3 as well. Prerequisites Raspberry Pi Waveshare 1.5 inch OLED display (grayscale) SPI or I2C enabled sudo raspi-config -> interfacing options ->…
Raspberry Pi PHP Configuration
Installations Anleitung: Installierte PHP Extensions sehen: dpkg -l | grep 'ii php5\?-' Installierte PHP Plugins sehen: pecl list
Fail2ban – Pi vor Brutehacker schützen
RetroPie Allgemein
Externe USB für ROMs ROM Ordner ändern: /home/pi/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg Delay hinzufügen: /usr/bin/emulationstation und vor ./emulationstation sleep x hinzufügen Externe USB verschnelleren + Bashzugriff Editier /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf und lösche sync und ändere noexec zu exec Scraper Symlink mit ls -s auf /home/pi/.emulationstation/downloaded_images
FTP Permissions
Add pi to the www-data group using the command sudo adduser pi www-data Add www-data to the pi group using the command sudo adduser www-data pi Change the permission of the directory and everything in it so that it's readable and writable by the group. Use the command sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www. Since user…
vi Editor Manual
Linux and Unix vi command Quick links About Vi Syntax Using Vi Moving Around in Vi Making Simple Changes Rearranging and Duplicating Text High Level Commands Special Topics Technical Details Quick Reference Examples Related commands Linux and Unix main page About vi Originally developed by William Joy in the late 1970s, vi (pronounced "vee-eye") is…
YaST Package Manager ne pokazuje instalirane programe
Upisati u terminal: sudo rpm –rebuilddb
Linux Raid
Software Raid (mdadm) Setting up RAID devices and config files Prepare /etc/mdadm.conf echo 'DEVICE /dev/hd* /dev/sd*' > /etc/mdadm.conf Preparing the harddisk For now we assume that we either want to create a RAID-0 or RAID-1 array. For RAID-5 you just have to add more partitions (and therefor harddisks). Create a partition on each…