Heben Sie nun den Hörer des Telefons ab und geben Sie die folgende Tastenfolge ein: #991*15901590*. Nach dem letzten Sternchen ertönt ein Signal. Sie können den Hörer jetzt wieder auflegen. Die FritzBox ist auf Werkseinstellungen zurückgesetzt und Sie können sie neu einrichten. Nach dem Reset gelten die Zugangsdaten, die unten auf der FritzBox aufgedruckt sind.
Author: Milan
FritzOS 7 VPN
Im zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit dem Erscheinen der ersten 7.xxer FritzOS-Versionen hatte ich bei mir folgendes Problem, bei dem ich erstmal ziemlich im Nebel stand: Ich habe eine ganze Anzahl Kunden, Freunde und Familienangehörige, bei denen ich Fernwartung über das VPN der Fritz!Box mache und als Client den ShrewSoft VPN Manager Version 2.2.2 nehme. Eingerichtet wurden…
TimeCapsule HD form Linux
Moja Konfiguracija cd /media sudo mkdir timecapmilan sudo mkdir timecapbackups Moj /etc/fstab // /media/timecapmilan cifs password=koma69zadar,sec=ntlm,vers=1.0,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 // /media/timecapbackups cifs password=koma69zadar,sec=ntlm,vers=1.0,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 Original Post Firstly I installed smbfs and smbclient software using apt-get, but Synaptics works just as well. SMBFS and SMBCLIENT lets the machine talk over the the CIFS protocol (Server Message Block, the latest…
Raspberry Pi 4 Bootloader Firmware Updating / Recovery Guide
All of the previous generations of Raspberry Pi contained all of their firmware on the SD card. Starting with the Raspberry Pi 4 the device actually has onboard upgradable firmware stored on an EEPROM chip separate from your storage. Updating this firmware is very important as one of the first released updates reduces power usage…
Finger Scanner Validity VFS495 (138a:003f) – Ubuntu 18.04/18.10
Manual setup Install dependencies with sudo apt install libssl1.0.0 libusb-dev libssl-dev libglib2.0-dev libmagickcore-dev libgtk2.0-dev libpam-dev Download and install this package Run these commands IN THIS ORDER wget https://github.com/PetreBoboc/vfs495_ubuntu/raw/master/Packages/1704/libMagickCore-6.Q16.so.2.0.0 sudo mv libMagickCore-6.Q16.so.2.0.0 /usr/lib/ sudo ln /usr/lib/libMagickCore-6.Q16.so.2.0.0 /usr/lib/libMagickCore-6.Q16.so.2 Download and install the following packages IN THIS ORDER validity-sensor-setup_4.5-119_amd64.deb libfprint_0.0.6-1_amd64.deb fprint-demo_0.4-1_amd64.deb pam-fprint_0.2-1_amd64.deb Prevent fprint_demo from updating usign sudo…
SSH Login Without Password Using ssh-keygen & ssh-copy-id
You can login to a remote Linux server without entering password in 3 simple steps using ssky-keygen and ssh-copy-id as explained in this article. ssh-keygen creates the public and private keys. ssh-copy-id copies the local-host’s public key to the remote-host’s authorized_keys file. ssh-copy-id also assigns proper permission to the remote-host’s home, ~/.ssh, and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. This…
Raspberry Pi 4 USB Boot Config Guide for SSD / Flash Drives
USB Boot Instructions Prepare Bootloader SD Card – Image your SD card with the latest Raspbian 10 “Buster” release (I prefer Raspbian Lite) however you would normally do it. Prepare SSD / Flash Drive – Image your SSD or Flash Drive. Make sure you create the empty file named “ssh” on the boot partition of…
Liux Tips / Comands
Backup / Make Image of SD Card TonTon VPN Start file manager in terminal window In Raspbian (Raspberry Debian) from terminal console: How do I open file manager as root Viditi sto je zadnje instalirano htop Raspberry Config Raspberry Update Viditi Zadnje Update NextCloud Commands Maintance mode ON / OFF Clean Trash (All Users) …
Linux – Ubuntu 18.4 – Docker – YaCy über HTTPS
SSL Certifikat za yacy https://github.com/yacy/yacy_search_server/issues/194 Letsencript – install certboot – open port 80 – certboot ima http server – opcija –standalone – generirat certifikat: sudo certbot certonly –standalone -d example.com sudo certbot certonly –standalone -d comanet.ddns.net – Certifkat je sada u /etc/letsencrypt/live/comanet.ddns.net/ – Konvertirat Certifikat – use openssl to convert them into yacy-readable format: –…
Linux – Ubuntu 18.4 – Screen Sharing on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop via VNC from Windows Machines
Before one can access Ubuntu desktops remotely, one must enable remote access on the Ubuntu desktops… to do that, the steps below should be a great place to start… Remote access allows anyone with account and access to connect and manage devices remotely from across the room or locations around the world. This is true…